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London (твір)

Твір на тему: "London"

The topic I am going to speak about is London. From the geography lessons you know that East meets West in the Greenwich meridian. It is in London.

London, one of the world's biggest cities, situated on the river Thames, is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the residence of British sovereign. London is a great industrial and cultural center with the population of more than seven million people.

London consists of four main districts, which differ from each other. These are the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.

The City is small in area but it is the business center of London. Many banks and offices are situated there. The heart of City is the Stock Exchange.

Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It is the administrative center. The Houses of Parliament are there. It is a beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It is a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The tombs of many great statesmen, scientists are in the Abbey. There is Trafalgar Square where the famous Nelson Column stands as the memory about Nelson’s great victory. It is interesting to know that the column is situated in the geographical center of the city. This square is always open for public meetings and demonstrations.

To the west of Westminster is the West End. Here we can find most of the big shops, hotels, museums, art galleries, and concert halls. Piccadilli Circus is the heart of London’s West End. In the West End there are wide streets with beautiful houses and many parks, gardens and squares.

To the east of Westminster is the East End, an industrial district of the capital. There are no parks or gardens in East End and you can't see many fine houses there. Most of the plants and factories are situated there.

Speaking about London, you must keep in mind that it is the city of contrasts.
Категорія: Іноземні мови | Додав: slav4uk (06.12.2010)
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